Imperatives of evolution of, and implementation of Volcker Rule
Course Overview
Implementation of the Volcker Rule is likely to prove to be one of the most complex and controversial regulatory regimes ever to be introduced into the financial services industry. Firms will need to make significant investments in technology and infrastructure in order to comply with its intensive monitoring and reporting requirements. The compliance program will likely require a heavy infrastructure investment for most firms, and institutions will need to evaluate how they want to organize their trading desks, trading accounts, and hedging activities under the Volcker Rule.
This 2-day course is aimed at senior managers to facilitate further enhancement in understanding the revolutionary regulatory measure. It will include basics of the root causes, as well as progressive developments and the consolidating moves summing up the regulation.
Course Content
- Volcker Rule – backdrop and introduction
- Technology and infrastructure imperatives
- Cultural impact
- Options and approaches available for implementation
Who should attend?
Senior Management
Benefits of Attending
- Greater appreciation and understanding of the implication of Volcker Rule as it is to come into force in some shape
- Better readiness re technology and infrastructure to apply the regime
Deal Advisory Banking: Dealing with Underperformance
Course Overview
Tightening regulation, reduced liquidity and the continued challenging economic conditions have all led to banks looking more closely at their operations, the risks affecting those operations and the regulatory capital required commensurate with those risk assessments. These reviews, coupled with ongoing assessment by regulators and supervisory bodies, have brought underperforming parts of a bank’s business into much sharper focus. When combined with the increased appetite to improve capital buffers that can be seen across most markets, a proactive approach to addressing underperformance is a necessity.
The course will take a multi-disciplinary approach, using specific financial performance evaluation, with addressing the cost-base, deeper balance sheet analysis for working out non-performing loans, in order to assess, identify and manage underperformance across markets and business lines of the bank.
Course Content
- Economic crunch – how it’s impacted banks
- Performance metrics – tools
- Identifying performance gaps, evaluation
- Specific Cost Control approaches
- Specific Revenue enhancement approaches
Who should attend?
Middle and Senior Management
Benefits of Attending
- Better appreciation of performance of own bank in context with the competition.
- Ability enhanced of gaining insight into performance gaps
Higher skills developed re cost control and revenue enhancement measures